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3E-Partnership Collaborative Mission and Goals

Project Name: European Energy Efficiency towards Mutually Reinforcing Partnership with Georgia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine

Project Acronym: 3E-Partnership

Project ID: 101128576

Project Duration: 36 months

Start Date: 01.12.2023

Granting Authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Funding Scheme: Erasmus+ CBHE

Grant amount funded by European Commission: 728 234 Euro

The global pursuit of energy efficiency, diversification of energy sources, and clean energy production necessitates cross-regional collaboration, knowledge transfer, and collective efforts towards a common goal. The current Global Development Agenda and the European Commission’s REPowerEU Plan highlight the importance of global partnerships for sustainable development and a resilient energy system.

The “European Energy Efficiency towards Mutually Reinforcing Partnership with Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine” (3E-Partnership) project fosters such cooperation and knowledge exchange among regions and institutions.

This project aims to modernize and empower higher education institutions in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine, enhancing their capacity for energy resilience and cross-regional cooperation.

The 3E-Partnership project is based on two main pillars:

  • Knowledge Generation: Co-designing and piloting curricula in energy efficiency, developing modern competencies, and building necessary skills for participants.
  • Building Mutually Reinforcing Partnerships: Co-creating a collaboration and networking structure of Energy Labs and a Green Network among participating HEIs.

The project will generate and disseminate context-specific knowledge, considering the EU’s new energy plan, the EaP’s potential for a new role, and the urgent need for renewables. It will connect the activities of engaged energy labs and disseminate project outcomes to society. This initiative will increase academic capacity for implementing energy-related commitments, such as the REPowerEU Plan and the Black Sea Submarine Electricity Cable project.

The project aims to produce state-of-the-art analysis, collect relevant data, create and disseminate energy-specific knowledge and energy efficiency know-how, provide recommendations to key state actors, and, most importantly, effectively contribute to the clean, affordable, and secure energy transition process in the EaP region. The project will result in an innovative curriculum in energy efficiency and provide a platform for hundreds of students to gain modern competencies, necessary skills, and updated knowledge on energy efficiency and green partnerships.

Through peer learning and transfer of experience, the project will also result in enhanced energy labs (specifically secure, clean, and affordable energy laboratories) in Georgian, Azerbaijani, and Ukrainian HEIs to support the universities' continued commitment beyond the project's lifetime. Furthermore, the project intends to enable regional and local collaboration in the field of energy efficiency and co-create favorable conditions for green partnerships. It will facilitate dialogue on energy and environmental sustainability among the sectors of government, academia, and industry in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine, referring to the best practices of European counterparts and shifting universities’ practices towards sustainable and innovative solutions. The project idea is fully supported by the central authorities of the consortium partner universities and non-academic partners.

Summary of the Work Packages

  • WP1: Project Management and Coordination
  • WP2: Co-Create Knowledge in Energy Efficiency
  • WP3: Co-Design Curriculum in Energy Efficiently
  • WP4: Mutually Reinforcing Partnerships in Energy Efficiency
  • WP5: Project Quality Control and Monitoring
  • WP6: Communication, Dissemination and Outreach

3E-Partnership Collaborative Mission and Goals