

Donetsk National Technical University (DONNTU, Ukraine)

Donetsk National Technical University (DONNTU, Ukraine)

Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) is one of the largest technical universities in Ukraine, which has a long history of its formation. Over 100 years of activity, the University has trained more than 230,000 highly qualified specialists, including about 3,000 for 65 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

DonNTU was founded in May 1921 as the Mining College. In 1926 it was reorganized into the Mining Institute, and in 1960 into the Polytechnic Institute. Donetsk Polytechnic Institute became a State Technical University in 1993, and from 2001 its status was changed to National Technical University. Today it is the oldest technical university in Eastern Ukraine. New history of DonNTU is connected with the beginning of hostilities in eastern Ukraine in March 2014. This year, armed Russian troops occupied university buildings and campus. In October 2014 DonNTU was relocated to another city in Donetsk region - Pokrovsk. Due to Russian aggression, in April 2022, DonNTU was moved a second time to another city, Lutsk, in the west of Ukraine.

Nowadays, DonNTU covers the 30th position in the “TOP-200 Ukraine”. DonNTU is an active partner of industrial enterprises. Its research and educational activities are aimed at such industries as coal mining, chemistry, machinery, IT. The mission of the University is to train highly qualified competitive specialists, create conditions for their professional growth, development of creative abilities and leadership qualities, as well as dissemination of modern knowledge and implementation of innovations.

Currently DonNTU consists of 5 faculties: Faculty of Computer-Integrated Technology, Automation and Electrical Engineering; Faculty of Computer Science and Technology; Faculty of Machine Engineering, Ecology and Chemical Technology; Faculty of Economics and Management; Mining Faculty. There are about 3.700 students, among whom 650 are studying for a master's degree and 48 are postgraduate ones. There are about 210 lecturers, including 40 doctors of sciences and professors, 170 PhDs and associate professors. DonNTU offers 33 Bachelor's, 25 Master's and 12 PhD programs for study.

The strategic objective of the University's international activities is further integration of the University into the world educational and scientific space and the implementation of the innovative world-wide methods of organization of the educational process and scientific research at the University. DonNTU has bilateral partnerships with more than 70 leading international universities worldwide. The University has long-term experience of participation in EU-funded Programmes (Tempus, Erasmus+) and international Programmes (British Council, DAAD, USAID and others). In particular, DonNTU previously participated in 8 Tempus projects, 5 Erasmus+CBHE projects, 1 NATO Projects and others.

The two relocations of the University in no way slowed down the development of science and did not worsen the level of education at the university, on the contrary, it forced each of us to mobilize forces, breathed into us a fresh wave of energy and patriotism. We are united, strong and unbreakable! Our goal is to ensure the innovative development of Ukraine's economy.

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